Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Dig Being 1!

1st Birthday 053This was the theme of Ryder’s party today, and it is definitely the vibe I’ve been getting from him too!  Get ready for a lot of pictures…today was a big day, with lots of fun, lots of food, and lots of activity!1st Birthday 050 Ryder’s Birthday Party was held at 3pm at Poppy’s Garage.  We had a great turnout and the weather was absolutely beautiful!1st Birthday 0431st Birthday 144 1st Birthday 052 1st Birthday 056 1st Birthday 059 1st Birthday 061 1st Birthday 129 1st Birthday 134 1st Birthday 154

Smokey Bottom BBQ hooked us up with a delicious spread (sides courtesy of the ladies), so we all got nice and full and then it was on to presents! 1st Birthday 075

Ryder got so many nice things!  Lots of clothes, toys, trucks, blocks, puzzles, books, shoes (Jordan’s!) and even his very first CD player! 1st Birthday 078 1st Birthday 071 1st Birthday 074 1st Birthday 077 1st Birthday 096 1st Birthday 093 1st Birthday 085 1st Birthday 089 1st Birthday 092  1st Birthday 098 1st Birthday 0991st Birthday 101

His BIG present came from Poppy & Nana and it was…a HARLEY!!

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After all that, we worked up an appetite again and it was time for CAKE!  This amazing cake was made by Ryder’s {Great} Aunt!

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Of course, Ryder got his very own…1st Birthday 045

And something…

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Tells me…

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That he really…

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liked LOVED it!

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So much so that he even used his left hand to feed himself for the first time EVER!1st Birthday 123 1st Birthday 1221st Birthday 117

I have a feeling this is not the only time this boy will look like he is covered in mud!1st Birthday 1241st Birthday 127 

As you can see, Ryder had a wonderful Birthday party!  I can’t say enough times how truly blessed we are to have such an amazing group of people who celebrate life’s major events with us…like our baby boy turning ONE!


  1. I'm glad Ryder had a great birthday! He really dug into that cake, ha! Btw, he looks SO adorable in that orange bandana ;)

  2. Brandy OMG! #1 - I am SO upset I missed it :( #2 - That Harley is the CUTEST thing I've EVER seen!!!!! #3 - That cake looked absolutely awesome!! #4 - I'm SO glad Ryder had a wonderful birthday party! #5 - I still have his present! lol.

  3. Aw, Brandy everything looked great!! Glad it was a wonderful party - see you guys soon :)

  4. The pictures came out AWESOME! I'm so happy to have been able to share in TWO of the three birthday party celebrations for Ryder!! We definitely had a great time taking part in this special milestone and look forward to many many more :) BTW: You looked absolutely beautiful at the party and its hard to believe that little ol' you had a baby a year ago!

  5. Looks like he is an official cake lover.

    What an awesome birthday party.

  6. The party was super fun, you did a great job! So happy ryder liked our gifts, he's so darn cute!! uh! love you guys!
