Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Okay, so, I heard back from the Pediatrician’s office this morning and thankfully, Ryder’s iron came back normal, so he is not anemic (yay!).  BUT (seems like there is always a but!) his platelets came back high…so now we have to repeat the blood work in 1 week to see if they have gone back to normal (please say yes) and if not, well, I guess we’ll find out then what that means. 

Ryder is definitely getting his MRI tomorrow, we have to be at the hospital at 7 in the morning.  They will be putting him to sleep, and then taking some pictures of his brain, the procedure should only last about 30-45 minutes.  Specifically, they are looking to see if there has been some damage done to his brain, possibly caused by a stroke or an abnormality that formed, resulting in left side weakness.  This test should bring about a lot of answers as to what happened, the severity, the location, and where to go from here.  We will not have the results tomorrow, it will be a few days before we here from the Neurologist.  Please pray that it’s nothing too serious…and that he’ll handle the anesthesia well. 

And…last update for the night…I got my camera back (woop woop) so please scroll down to the “What a Weekend” post to see pictures from Ryder’s birthday party on Sunday.

That’s all for now :-)


  1. I'm praying and thinking about you Marsh's today! Love you all!

  2. Thinking about you guys today! Let us know how it goes!

  3. You know we're praying for you guys & that it goes smooth today! Ryder is a strong little guya & I know he'll be just fine! Love you!
