Saturday, March 20, 2010

Let the Celebrations Begin!

1st Birthday 009 Here are the Birthday Boy & Birthday Girl at Yaya’s during our first Birthday celebration of the weekend.  Ryder & Sydney are 10 years apart, he turned 1 and she turned 11!!

1st Birthday 014

After eating some of Yaya’s delicious food, it was time to open presents:

1st Birthday 023 1st Birthday 004 1st Birthday 006 1st Birthday 020 All of which he loved and will get great use out of :-)

Then, it was on to the best part…Banana Cream Supreme!

1st Birthday 028  1st Birthday 030 1st Birthday 0311st Birthday 029 1st Birthday 032

Surprisingly, he didn’t like it on his fingers, he wanted to use the spoon (always trying to be a big boy!)

First party down…now I gotta get cooking for Party #2.

Celebrating this little boys life is SO much fun, I’m glad the festivities haven’t ended yet!

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