Thursday, March 4, 2010

No Shame In My Game

I left my camera at Grandma’s house on Sunday, so unfortunately I have absolutely no pictures of Ryder from this week (I’m sure he’s enjoying the break!).  As I was scrolling through old pictures to see if there was anything I could post on the blog, the thought I definitely can’t post that one! came to my mind more than a few times.  But you know what, there is no shame in my game, so I decided to go back and gather some of those not-so-perfect pictures and put them out there…

Like when we’re in line at the grocery store and I grab the closest thing that makes noise when you shake it and give it to Ryder to get him through those last 5 minutes…then realize its his new favorite toy and let him play with it every time we get in the car.9 months 109

Or when Daddy gets a fake mustache from the bubble gum machine, we go home and put it on, along with a do-rag and try to take pictures of our little Mafia Man…who does NOT think we are funny!10 Months 266 10 Months 261

It’s just wrong to keep snapping pictures when the poor baby is obviously upset…but sometimes his sad face is just so cute!

9Months 032

And it’s probably also wrong to hold Ryder for his entire nap, because I’m so anxious to play a game on PS3 that I just can’t wait the 2 minutes it would take to go lay him down.

9 Months 024

Or how about this one, that I actually DID post on the blog without realizing I had my child outside, inside of an igloo, made of SNOW, with no sock on!!!10 Months 142Okay, that one does make me feel a little bad…I better stop there! :-P 


  1. haha, that's so funny! We all have pictures like that!!

  2. I didn't even notice he was missing a sock on the other blog post with the igloo, hilarious!!! I guess moms are bound to forget something important ;-) LOL

  3. I love the "imperfect" pictures, because life isn't always perfect or pretty.. but we can make the best out of what we have and start over fresh another day <3 LMAO... those pics with the mustache and do-rag on are H-I-L-arious, keepin it Gangsterrrr ;-)

  4. 1) I feel guilty too when taking pics of Leah when she's upset, ha!

    2) The pic of you holding Ryder to play PS3 cracks me up!

    3) I LOVE the pic of him wearing a mustache! So cute!

  5. All mommy's have guilt. Its the reality of being imperfect! The bad news is these probably arent the last mistakes you'll make as parents and the good news is that God's grace helps us through it all. So what if hes a mafia man with one sock....thats how he rolls!
