Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Big Announcement!

We interrupt One Word Wednesday to bring you…A Big Announcement!!

The National Kidney Foundation has asked us to be the honorary family at the 2010 Kidney Walk!  This will involve Ryder’s story being featured on their website,  in the media as the event gets closer, and him being present at the functions leading up to the event.  We feel so honored that they have asked us, and of course are more than willing to take on this role.  We’re excited to be able to share Ryder’s story, to show how thankful we are for the funds raised by NKF that help with research and education, and most importantly to glorify God in this opportunity we’ve been handed.  Wow, isn’t it amazing how much He has blessed us in a situation that seemed so devastating at one time?!

So mark your calendars!!  This year’s walk will be held on November 7th in Richmond, VA.  I’ll be sure to let you know when our team page is set up and how you can Join or Donate to support Team Ryder and the National Kidney Foundation as the walk gets closer.

But for now, thanks for sharing in our excitement of this big news, and for being a part of Ryder’s life.  He has such a huge light inside of him, may he always let it shine bright for the world to see!    kidney collage


  1. WOW! How exciting and amazing is that?! Congratulations! That is so awesome! He's such a handsome boy!

  2. That's GREAT! Way to go Ryder :)

  3. I got chills reading this! I am so excited for you! Ryder is an amazing boy!

  4. Aww that is so exciting!! Congrats! :)

  5. awesome! YOu definitely have an amazing story to share!

  6. YAY!!! We are so looking forward to the walk this year! Last year was a blast & I know this year will be even better :) Go Team Ryder GOO! lol

  7. How exciting!!! God is so good! I am so excited for the three of you.

  8. SO excited to do it again!! Congrats!! *Muah!*
