Friday, March 19, 2010

12 Months Old!!

12 Months Also known as 1 whole year!!!  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???  Me either!

What happened to my little baby?  I don’t even feel like I can call him a baby anymore!  He is such a big boy now, and he knows it, and he wants to be treated like it!

We have had LOTS of changes this month, so let me tell you what it’s like to be ONE whole year old:

  • NO MORE FORMULA!!  Ryder has officially switched to drinking milk!  The transition went so smooth and we couldn’t be happier.
  • This also means….NO MORE BOTTLES!!  Ryder drinks his milk out of a cup and no longer gets bottles during the day!  He is down to only one bottle and that’s right before bed, Mommy will be sad when we give that one up soon :(
  • Bed time has been pushed back to 8:00 (thanks to daylight savings time!)
  • Go, Go, Go…Ryder is always on the go!  He’s a very busy guy and always has his eye on something that he wants to do or play with.
  • His TWO top teeth have poked through, so he now has 4 teeth! (this hasn’t been fun, it’s causing lots of dirty diapers, his first ever diaper rash, and lots of tears).
  • Ryder is still pointing at everything and is communicating so well!  He knows how to do the sign language for “more” and “eat/drink” and we’re working on “all done”.  He repeats a lot of sounds that we make and tries so hard to have full conversations with us (in his own language)!
  • He has started to become attached to things, especially his blankie, every morning when I get him out of bed he grabs it and holds on tight so that he can bring it with him. 
  • He is still very much a Daddy’s boy, but Mama gets lots of love and big wet kisses too!

Well, to say that this past year has been the most rewarding and amazing year of our lives would be an understatement.  Every day with Ryder brings something new and exciting.  That is 365 days of wonderful memories so far; we can’t help but look forward to all the years of fun times ahead!


11 months 12411 months 13111 months 126


  1. HAPPY Birthday Ryder Joseph!! ONE whole year old already, I still can't believe it! We hope you have a great day & we'll see you tomorrow xo

  2. Happy very 1st Birthday Ryder!!!! Can't wait to see you tear into your cake tomorrow and Sunday!! Pssst- we got you something really good for you to open, I just know you're going to love it (and mommy will too) :)
