Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lunch Time

I love the luxury of getting to spend my lunch break with Ryder.  It’s the perfect mid-day break and I can always count on getting a good laugh while I’m visiting.  Today, I couldn’t help but laugh (and run back to my car to get my camera) when I walked inside to see Ryder sitting in a little tiny wagon, with Aunt Vicki pulling him around!  11 months 041 

11 months 042 

11 months 037As you can see, he was excited that I brought a drink so that he could share it with me steal it from me!11 months 045 11 months 04311 months 040

And that is what gets me through the rest of my day!!  I love lunch time :-)      


  1. So cute! That wouldnt be a sweet tea from McDonalds would it? haha...the cup looks familiar and is making me thirsty. Oh wait, is that weird? lol

  2. You are SO lucky to be able to spend lunch with such a handsome little boy. ; )

  3. You're SO lucky to be able to do that! I bet he loves every minute of it too with his Momma!!

  4. aw I'm sure he loves to see you mid day too, your definitely lucky you can do that!!

  5. I love all the pics! My favorite one is him drinking from the straw, LOL. Damn cute!
