Monday, July 5, 2010

Party Weekend

Wow, we have been so busy during this long weekend that I haven’t even had a chance to sit down and blog about any of it.  So, here goes…

Saturday Me & Ryder went to a baby shower for a very special little baby boy who we can’t wait to meet!  The Mommy-to-be Kim is my best friend Kristen’s older sister, and has been like a sister to me too over all these years.  I love this family so much and am so excited for them as they welcome Baby Aiden into this world!  Of course I didn’t take many pictures at the shower (not even one of Kim, oops!), but here are the few I got:


Kristen & Ryder (she’s SO ready to become an Aunt!)

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Momma Linda & Ryder (and she’s SO ready to become a Grandma!)




The diaper cake we made for Kim (Not that Ryder was much help, I think I remember shutting him out of his own bedroom at one point in the process!)

Next, the party animals (aka me & ryder) were off to our next shindig – a Birthday party for our cousin Michael.  Daddy met us there and we had so much fun hanging out with the family!  No pictures to prove it.   That evening, we left that party and went down the street to another party at Alan’s Uncle’s house.  We were only going to stop by and say Hi, then get on the road because it was already past Ryder’s bedtime…but…we were having so much fun (no pictures to prove that either!) that we decided to bring Ryder back to Aunt Dee’s since she had been begging us to let him stay the night anyway.  So that worked out well, Ryder finally got to go to bed and Mommy & Daddy got to stay up way too late and sleep in way too long the next day! 

Onto the next day, the 4th of July!  We met back up with Ryder at Grandma’s house and enjoyed some yummy food and crabs.  Ryder didn’t get crabs, but he did get a special treat from Uncle G when the ice cream man came:

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Carter got some ice cream too, and was festive with his red, white, and blue choice :)

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We hung out for the rest of the day and waited for it to get dark so the guys could start lighting the fireworks off the dock.  Ryder had a blast playing outside with his cousins, and kept taking a break to lay down on Kamrie.

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Every year we all go to Grandma’s and have our own fireworks show on the water.  It’s pretty neat because there are about 3 other houses that do the same thing so we all get to watch each others!  So when it finally got dark, the shows began.  I was worried (imagine that) that Ryder wouldn’t like the noise, but he loved it!  He kept saying “fire-ferr” (translation: fireworks) and then he would say “BOOM!” and when there was a break he would ask for “More!” 

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I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!  We are all so blessed to live in this country, the land of the free, where we can enjoy moments just like this!

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  1. Aw, I'm glad he liked the fireworks!! See, nothing to be worried about! ;) (as usual! ha!)

    Oh and the diaper cake is adorable - great job! When are you coming to teach me?!

  2. Looks like an awesome 4th. Glad you and Alan got to have some "Mommy and Daddy" time. We all need that sometimes. : )

  3. AW Kim looks SO good prego... and a kudos to you on the cake by the way!!! LOVE those pictures of Kamrie and Ryder too!!
