Friday, July 2, 2010

Blood Work Results

My nerves can finally be put to rest (over this anyway), the Doctor called yesterday evening and said that everything that we tested for came back normal.  His platelets were finally back down in the normal range (HUGE answered prayer!) and his Growth Hormone level was fine too!  She said that we’ll just keep an eye on his growth and hopefully it will get back to a normal pattern.  If it continues to be irregular there are more tests that will need to be done…but we’ll cross that bridge when IF we get there.

Why does there always have to be a BUT?!  Wouldn’t you all just be jumping for joy if this post ended right there.  I know I would!  Okay, ready, here it comes…BUTTTT…she did find out from the blood work that he has an IgA (Immunoglobulin A) Deficiency.  I guess this means that he’s missing one of the antibodies that helps fight off infections.  The way she explained it is that it weakens his immune system so if he’s around someone that has a cold, he’s going to get the cold.  I was surprised to hear this because I thought we’ve been pretty lucky with him not getting sick too much.  I guess it’s a good thing we don’t have him in daycare!  This definitely worries me for the future when he goes to school and is around a lot of other kids, but, again, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there!

Other than that, his white blood cell count was elevated which she didn’t seem too concerned about, so neither am I.

For Mommy, no more waiting on results.  For Ryder, waiting is his new favorite thing to do!

15 Months 064 (Waiting for Daddy, of course!)


  1. I know I just talked to you on the phone,lol, but I am so happy that most of his bloodwork came back normal :) Love the picture above too! SOO cute!

  2. I knew it's all be fine! Thank you Doctor for FINALLY Calling!

  3. Glad to hear all is normal and all you can do is be thankful he's not sick alot considering those results. God knows better than the doctors! So glad he is an all around healthy and happy boy!

  4. So glad you got good results!

    That picture of him waiting for his Daddy is PRICELESS! He is so stinkin' cute!
