Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hope Now

~Everything rides on Hope now; Everything rides on Faith somehow.

And when the world has broken me down…Your love sets me free.~

I saw a quote one time that said “Music is what feelings sound like” and that is exactly what this song is for me.  On days like today when I have so many feelings and emotions and frustrations hitting me at once, it’s so nice to be able to put a song on repeat that can capture those feelings and give me peace about them.

I try to not to bring too much negativity out in this blog, but there are days that are consumed with it and it would be near impossible not to atleast mention that this situation can be hard at times.  My blog readers always leave the sweetest comments that leave me in tears, telling us how strong we are as parents…the truth is that there are days when the world breaks me down and I feel so weak.  I don’t like conflict in my life, so to be in the midst of arguments with insurance companies and doctors and therapists and the state and work is so uneasy and unsettling for me.  On days like today, the only thing I know to do is cry to my husband, get pep talks from my amazing friend, blog about how frustrating life can be at times, and squeeze my precious little boy so tight and whisper in his ear that I will never stop fighting for him to get the care that he needs because he is so worth it.  Oh, and listen to this song for the 15 millionth time, because everything really does ride on hope and faith for us right now.  There are so many doors being slammed in our faces and so many factors that are up in the air right now.  I just need to keep having faith that God is going to work this situation out for us.  His love really does set us free from having to worry about the people of this world trying to make things so hard.



  1. aw Brandy :*) this post made me tear up! I think you do an amazing job as a mommy & a blogger & so much more! Life isn't perfect, so if you were always putting up a "happy go lucky" post, it just wouldn't be 'Real'....and you are as real as they come :) XOXO

  2. Awww Brandy! You, Alan and Ryder are all such strong individuals :) Ryder couldn't ask for better parents! You two are doing a fantastic job! Keep fighting, I know you will - and I know it will be worth it! Always here for you :)

  3. Ok, thanks for making me get a knot in my throat and tears in my eyes this morning at work! ;) People may tell you no and shut doors along this road of parenthood, but you never give up and you always get what's best for Ryder. This will be no's just a little speed bump. You'll look back in a year and say "wow, look how far we've come!" Don't let anyone shake your faith! :-)

  4. Aww Brandy! I know times can be tough, especially when it has to do with your child. Trust me, I've been there. And there were PLENTY of times where I thought I was never going to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But I fought my issues praying on my knees and that was what got me through. And I know that God will too, also see you guys through :) I will be praying and even though we're not close, you can email me any time to vent! Ryder is so strong, as are you & Alan. He should be SO proud to have such parents as yourselves!! "Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you." - 1 Peter 5:7

  5. Wow Brandy this post gave me goose bumps and tears... what a beautiful and powerful song that is too!!! Your such an amazing, strong woman and I can't wait for the day when Ryder understands how lucky he is to have you as his mom, who fights so hard for her little man!!
    I love the verse Jenn listed and whenever I feel like I'm too overwhelmed with things going wrong and I feel like giving up, this is the verse I would always repeat to myself...

    Philippians 4:6&7 - Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    Praying for you always, Bran. Love you guys!!

  6. I love that song! Let God carry you and your family through this like the song says! You have been leaning on him for so long and dont ever stop or give up! You are doing amazing and I am always praying for you all too! Ps- I want to call but incase we get busy with packing and our back to back trips. Thank YOu, Thank You so much for the surprises in the mail! The boys loved everything and we love your family! Thank You Ryder!
