Monday, July 19, 2010

16 Months

16 monthsa 

Well we are 1/3 of the way to having a 2 yr old…and I’m realizing that the second year is going to fly by just as fast as the first did!  We’re having so much fun though and making memories that will last a lifetime, so we’re trying to cherish every second. 

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Here’s what Ryder is up to these days:

  • Talking, talking, talking!!  Some new words he has added to his growing vocabulary are: crayon, yellow, blue, boy, girl, lock, crawl, walk, please, climb, slide, kick, chew.  The biggest word he says is “seriously”!  I’m serious, he seriously says seriously, sounds like “seeyuuussyyy” and I have no clue where he would get that word from, ha!  He also has started putting two words together like all gone, all done, turn it, and stand up.  And he even said his first sentence, “turn on light”. 
  • He has 6 teeth now and says “chew” as he chews all of his food.  At dinner, when we are all eating the same thing, he says “cheers” and we have to all touch the food we are eating together and then take a bite.  He eats all the same foods we do, 3 meals a day, with a few snacks in between, and whole milk from a cup about 3 times a day.
  • He still takes 2 naps a day and sleeps from 8:30pm – 7:30am.  We pray every night before bed and he waits so patiently for me to get to the end and say “In Jesus’ name we pray” so that he can yell “AMEN!”
  • He’s really into books and coloring right now…and trucks which has never changed.  He absolutely loves to play with real keys.  He crawls around the house carrying the keys saying “Teys, bye-bye, vroom-vroom” and then he’ll stop and pretend like he’s using the key to unlock something, he’ll stick the key in a whole and say “teys, lock, turn it”. 
  • His motor skills are coming along…climbing is his new favorite thing to do and he is slowly but surely showing signs of learning how to walk.  I’m glad that God made him small because it’s hard to carry a 16 month old everywhere!  Not sure what we’ll do when he does start walking.  Walking = shoes and this boy has been barefoot his entire life!  He always tells you what he’s doing, if he’s crawling he’s saying “crawwwwl” if he’s walking along the furniture he’ll say “vaaalk” if he’s climbing he’ll say “climb” and if he wants to get down he’ll say “fee fuss” translation: feet first!
  • He’s girl crazy, ALREADY!  On our last shopping trip, he spotted a little girl and proceeded to yell “Girl! Girl! Girl!” and point and make the biggest scene leaving me no choice but to bring him over to meet the little girl.  Then he wanted me to follow her around the store!  Whenever there is a cell phone in sight he puts it up to his ear and say “Loooow” translation: hello, I say “Ryder who is it??” He says “Kayka” translation: Mikayla! It’s always Mikayla.  Unless he’s at the babysitter, then it’s Mama!

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This month has been all about language…he catches us off guard all the time with the things he says and how well he is putting things together.  There is never a day that he doesn’t bring a smile to our face and those all around him.  Here’s to another month :-)

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  1. He's getting SO big SO fast!

  2. I love that he talks to "Kayka" on the phone so much :)

  3. Oh my gosh! I can't believe how much he's talking! I love that! Such a sweet boy!

  4. Happy 16 months Ryder! He's 6 months away from the "Terrible Two's" haha jk!

  5. I love hearing all the words. Hes so smart like his mommy! We miss him!
