Monday, July 26, 2010

The Good News or the Bad News?

I’ll start with the bad news…MY COMPUTER CRASHED!!!  *sniff* *sniff* Excuse me while I compose myself.  I’m hoping and praying that it can be fixed, or that ALLLLL of my pictures can atleast be recovered.  I’ll keep you posted on that. 

Now onto MUCH better news…lastnight Ryder took his first steps!!!  It was a complete fluke, he had used Bubba to pull himself up to stand and then Bubba walked away, which he has been doing leaving Ryder standing alone (like in the picture below), which normally results in him sitting down on his butt.  But not this time!  Ryder tried to reach back out for Bubba and took THREE steps toward him before falling!!  I was SO excited, Alan was too, except we express our excitement in different ways (picture me jumping up and screaming with tears streaming down my face…and Alan not even flinching but having a huge grin plastered on his face).  I don’t know if he’ll have the courage to try it again any time soon, but I will be on standby with my camera, and my pom-poms!

Ryder 168


  1. oh my gosh - way to go Ryder!!! :) :)

  2. YAHHH!!! Way to go little buddy :) So exciting!!!

  3. So happy for Ryder!! I'm praying for your pictures!

  4. Can we get a picture with you and the Pom-Poms too! That is so awesome Ryder! You did it! Im sorry about your pictures. I hope you get them back first and foremost but at least so many are preserved on this blog!

  5. Good for Ryder!! Way to go! he's so cute :)
