Friday, July 16, 2010

Flashback Friday

After seeing the picture of Lindsay all snuggled up with Madalynn on her blog this morning, I knew exactly what I wanted to flashback to today!

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This picture melts my insides, I can remember so clearly how good it felt to have this little tiny bundle of warmth laying against me.  He felt so secure laying on my chest and would sleep so soundly, what he didn’t realize was how mutual that feeling was!  Love (and miss!)that little newborn baby!


  1. Your picture is much more flattering Brandy LOL I just love mother/child moments like these!!!

  2. ahh....I miss those moments too! Although when I'm very lucky, Mikayla will still lay on me like that. Although now her legs wrap around my waist and her arms around my neck. Either way - nothing compares to that feeling :)
