Friday, July 9, 2010

Flashback Friday

I think I’ll take a little break from the One Word Wednesday’s and start bringing you some Flashback Friday’s…sounds fun, right?! 

Today’s flashback will take us back to exactly one year ago today, we were getting all packed up and ready to leave our baby for the first time overnight to go on our annual camping trip.  This was really hard for me, but luckily he gave us the best memory ever to replay in our minds (and on my cell phone 500 times during the trip), his first laugh!  Enjoy :)

We’ll be camping all weekend, Ryder will be safe & sound (and so happy!) with his Yaya.  Weekend blogging break begins…now.


  1. I love the idea of Flashback Friday!! You know we all LOVE to look back and reminicse!! :) Have fun camping this weekend!

  2. Aw, that was so sweet.... I love those baby laughs!! Have a great time this weekend roughin' it! :-)

  3. Have fun!!! Such an awesome tradition!
