Friday, July 30, 2010

It’s All Good!

Ryder 173 Ever since we found out about Ryder’s stroke, the word “orthotics” has been bounced around here and there, but always in the context of something we’ll need to talk about wayyyyy in the future when he starts walking.  Well guess what…we had the conversation during PT yesterday!  His therapist thinks he is SO close that she wants to get the ball rolling now so that we’re ready to get his legs doing things the right way from the beginning.Ryder 175 After evaluating the tone & spasticity in his legs, his stance, and his range, his PT thinks that we’re going to be able to start out small, with just an insert in his shoe that will support his ankle and help form an arch.  Right now he is extremely flat footed and his ankles pronate (turn in), but she said the muscles and tendons in his legs are doing great so she wants to hold off on doing the big braces for now.  Yayyyyyy!!  Now we just have to get a referral from the Pediatrician to go see an Orthotist and hope that he agrees with her recommendations!

Ryder 174

Alan, my-husband-who-wins-the-award-for-absolute-best-colorer-I-know, colored this picture the other day that brought tears to my eyes.  It reminded me that whatever physical ailments Ryder has will be gone one day…whether here or in Heaven, either way, they are not permanent and he will be healed.  It also reminded me of Alan’s mom, who just had a Birthday on Saturday and will have been gone from us for 5 years on Tuesday…but is living it up in her new, perfect body, hanging out with Jesus and watching down on us :)

Ryder 172 In other “It’s All Good” news – we were able to salvage all of the pictures off of our computer, thank goodness!  The computer is not repairable, but it was time for an upgrade anyway.  So I’m computer shopping and will hopefully be back in business soon.

Ryder 179 Did you notice how well Ryder just climbed onto his toybox?!  This child is amazing, and so proud of himself, as you can see!  Makes Mommy a little nervous, of course, but hey…It’s All Good!


  1. Great news about not needing the big braces right now. But even if he does need them, they're only temporary and will help him in the long run. Plus he'll be the cutest thing to ever wear leg braces! ;)

    Oh and good job coloring Alan - impressive!! :-)

  2. Wow that is amazing :) Things are just moving right along and before you know it, Ryder will be running around, free, and you'll be like "leg braces? what let braces?!!?"

    PS - I think that is the best colored picture I've ever seen.. very talented husband you have there.. maybe he could start a business in the coloring industry LOL
