Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wonderful News!!

Baby Alexander is out of surgery and it went so good!  The surgeon believes that she was able to get the whole entire tumor!  They will confirm this with an MRI tomorrow, plus will have the pathology report back on Friday to determine what type of tumor it was, and what the rest of his treatment plan will be to ensure that he is cancer free!  So right now, he is in recovery, what a rough day that poor little guy has had – almost 10 hours of brain surgery! 

God is good!  Thank you to everyone who was praying for Alexander and his family, I know they appreciate all of the support.  Continue to pray for a fast recovery and an easy treatment from here.

And in other wonderful news, Ryder’s blood work came back normal.  No kidney or urinary tract infections here, thank God!

More exciting news to come…I’m working on something special :)   

1 comment:

  1. God is good :) I will keep praying for him and his family!! & what are you working on missy?! lol
