Saturday, September 12, 2009

Happy Birthday to My Friends!

Ryder has two very special friends that just had their very first Birthday on Thursday!  Levi, Wyatt & Ryder (sounds like something straight out of a Western, huh?!) are going to be such great friends and they don’t even know it yet!  These twin boys have got the sweetest, most wonderful parents that we are so lucky to have in our lives.  They have wanted and tried for kids for a while, who knows why God waited so long to answer that prayer for them.  I like to think it’s because He knew how much we would benefit from having a little boy 6 months behind them.  Ha, I’m sure that’s not why…but it really has worked out for us.  They have SO generously passed down a bassinet, THREE swings, two vibrating chairs, clothes, diapers, lots and lots of stuff.  But, even more valuable than any of that is the advice and support we have received from them.  Diddle (the Mommy) was just a phone call or email away, ready to answer every off the wall question I could come up with while I was pregnant and learning how to be a Mommy.  If I could’ve gotten pregnant behind any woman in this world I would pick her…she’s just that wonderful!  So, thank you Harold and Diddle for everything, you are truly a blessing to us.  And to your handsome bald-headed babies – HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!  We can’t wait to celebrate many more with you!

Levi & Wyatt

1 comment:

  1. What a cute picture....amd your header is so cute....Just blog hopping and enjoyed yours tonight...
    Stop by and visit my new Christmas blog. There will be a drawing on October 1st for a GREAT prize...all you have to do is leave a comment..
