Saturday, September 26, 2009

This Little Monkey Butt

6months 093 Is just TOO cute!  And he’s rolling over so well now!

6months 094

Yesterday, we had to take this little monkey butt to the Doctor.  We really thought we were going to get away with not having to get blood work done this month, but we couldn’t be so lucky!  At his 6 month check-up his Pediatrician had a concern so she called to consult his Urologist, and sure enough, he asked for blood work and a urine sample.  Poor little Ryder, he just can’t catch a break :(  His nurse is usually so good at doing his blood, but this time she lost the vein and couldn’t bear to poke him again so she pricked his finger.  He didn’t even flinch!  And then he was fascinated for the next 10 minutes with her squeezing his finger and dripping the blood into the vial!  Gross, I know, Mommy was about to faint, but not this tough guy…he’s very proud of his band-aid!6months 008 The urine sample came back positive for Leukocytes and a trace of blood.  So the blood work has been sent off and we’re awaiting those results.  He must have some sort of Urinary Tract Infection, hopefully it hasn’t made its way to his kidneys.  He doesn’t have a fever and is acting like he feels completely fine.  So, we’ll just wait to hear back from the Doctor to see what our next step is, keep checking for fevers, and play like nothings wrong anyway!6months 109

6months 115

We’ll update as soon as we hear something! 

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