Monday, September 21, 2009

6 Month Dr. Visit

We survived…we’re not happy about it, but we DID survive!

IMG_0735 As you can see, Ryder’s a little upset that he had to get shots today.  It really brings him down :(IMG_0739 But he got a present from the doctor, so I guess that makes it a little better! 

At 6 months old, Ryder weighs 14.5 pounds and is only in the 5th percentile of weight for his age group.

He’s 26.5 inches long though, which means he shot up to the 53rd percentile for height!  He definitely hit a growth spurt there!

The Dr. is very pleased with his development, we still have some areas that we need to work with him on (fine motor & problem solving skills)…which they always remind me is fine because he was a preemie. 

Better get going, my little drama king poor, pitiful, aching baby needs my attention :-P

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