Friday, September 18, 2009

Busy, Busy Week!

This week has put us so far out of our routine, that I don’t think any of us know what to do with ourselves.  To start off, Aunt Vicky had to go be with her family, her brother lost his battle with cancer…it’s so sad, our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.  With that said, Vicky was off all week so my family stepped in and took turns watching Ryder.  Monday Alan stayed home with him, Tuesday he went to my Sister-In-Law Jessica’s house, Wednesday my Mom watched him, and Thursday & Friday he went back to Jessica’s.  For me that meant each day getting him ready for whatever the situation was, which brought about major changes in his schedule.  Alan dropped him off at Jessica’s each day which meant Ryder had to wake up at 3am like Daddy!  I’m hoping and praying he doesn’t think that’s the new norm and try to wake up like that this weekend!  But, he has really enjoyed spending time with Jessica & the girls…and all in all he adjusted fine.  Now next week we’ll see how he does getting back to his regular schedule.

The busy-ness doesn’t end there though…Tuesday we took a walk with Sharon, Wednesday I took him to the Doctor because I noticed a rash breaking out on his chest, it was just eczema and we were given cream to put on it.  The cream worked almost immediately and the rash was gone the next day!  Then lastnight we went to visit Amber and her new little baby Alexa.  She’s sooooo cute and sweet!  It’s crazy how little she looks to me, it’s hard to even remember Ryder being that little!  It was really nice to visit with Diana and Amber, time always flies when we’re together!  So out of all that, here are the only pictures that I managed to take:

Ryder hanging out with Dee Dee

Ryder 105

 Sweet, cuddly, little baby Alexa

Ryder 103

So, that has been our week!  Ryder turns 6 months old tomorrow and has his 6 month appt on Monday…stay tuned :)

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