Saturday, September 19, 2009

Six Months Old!!

newborn 1&2 Months 3&4 Months 5&6 Months

Wow!!  I can’t believe how much this little guy has grown in just six months.  He’s SIX months old today, I just can’t get over it.  This month has brought about a lot of growing and learning.  He is always watching and listening, and many times we notice him trying to mimic the faces we make or our actions.  Here are Ryder’s stats for Month 6 (I won’t have his height & weight until after Monday’s dr. appt):

  • Ryder’s feeding schedule has definitely changed this month. He now eats fruit & oatmeal for breakfast, veggie & rice for dinner, and bottles every 3 hours in between.
  • He’s sleeping from 8:30 – 6:30…finally…it is SO wonderful!
  • He’s still wearing 3-6 month clothes (even still fits some of his 0-3!)
  • He’s rolling from back to tummy like a pro now!
  • He’s happiest when he can lay down, kick his legs, and babble about whatever it is he’s trying to tell us.  He is always sure to throw a few “Da-Da’s” in there with his babbling.
  • He continues to chew on his fist constantly, put anything he can into his mouth, and drool everywhere!  Still no tooth though!
  • He smiles when people talk to him, and gets frustrated when he’s not getting any attention.
  • He’s definitely a dare-devil and will crack up laughing when he’s held high in the air, or when we bounce him on our knee.

Some things that we will be working on this month are sitting up by himself and learning how to crawl.  Maybe by next month we’ll have some major improvements to share about those two topics!  Here are some pictures of our busy little 6 month old:

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