Friday, September 4, 2009

A Hard Day at Work

So today Aunt Vicky needed to be off by 1:00.  I was hoping Alan would miraculously get home early and be able to go pick the baby up…no such luck!  I had so much work to finish up before the holiday weekend, so luckily my boss said it was fine for me to go get Ryder and bring him in for the afternoon!  I was a little nervous because I didn’t know how he would react to the new environment, and to my surprise, my little angel was his happy, flexible self (please please please tell me this means that little phase is over!).  I can’t even tell you how wonderful it felt to be sitting at my desk doing work, and be able to look down and see this:

IMG_0470IMG_0475He loved being at work with Mommy, just as much as I loved having him there!  He just laid in this little portable bed (another hand-me-down from Sharon…thanks love!) babbling, and kicking his legs, playing with his toys, and watching my every move.  It didn’t last too long though, eventually the girls had to steal him away to go play.  Lori came and got him and took him around to visit everyone…and guess what…he didn’t stick his lip out at all!  Not one time!  All that hard “work” must have made him sleepy because before I knew it, Lori was back at her desk working with him sleeping in her arms (one day I’ll be able to multi-task this well, you can tell she’s a mother of 3):IMG_0476


The reason Aunt Vicky needed to be off early was because she had to go sell BBQ!  Poppy and Uncle Jesse set up a BBQ stand on the side of the road, so after our long day at work we decided to get ourselves some BBQ and visit the fam.   Well, I got to visit and eat, but Ryder got put to work!  Here he is selling BBQ with Aunt Crystal – who wouldn’t want to buy from this face?!IMG_0481


Okay, enough work for the boy, I don’t want to break any child labor laws…or have the health department after us for serving BBQ with those slobbery drool filled hands!  Time to chill out with Uncle G:

IMG_0484IMG_0486  The same exact expression!  You think they were excited to see each other??

Luckily we have a 3 day weekend ahead of us to recover from this long, hard day of work!

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