Sunday, September 27, 2009

Please Pray…


This sweet little baby’s name is Alexander and he needs your prayers!  He’s at Children’s Hospital right now awaiting brain surgery on Tuesday to remove a brain tumor that they verified is cancerous.  Pray that they will be able to remove most of the tumor, that his body will recover quickly from the brain surgery, and that the chemo and radiation he will have to endure afterward won’t be too hard on his body. 

Please also pray for his parents Suzanne & Roosevelt who are close friends of my Brother & Sister-in-law.  I can’t imagine how helpless they must feel watching their 5 month old son have to go through this, especially when just last week he was fine.  My heart truly goes out to them. 

Please just take a few minutes to pray for this family.  Alexander is scheduled for brain surgery on Tuesday to remove the tumor that is located right where the base of his brain meets his spine.  Pray for the Doctors as well, that God will give them the knowledge and ability to go into such a sensitive area and get rid of the tumor so that Alexander can continue to grow and thrive and live a long, happy life.


  1. They were just talking about the power of prayer in church yesterday. I will definetly pray for this sweet little guy and his family!!

  2. Oh Brandy this post made me cry =( mainly because I know exactly what they are going through. It's one of the toughest things to see someone you love go through something so awful and all your wondering is why but I hope they know that God has a special plan for this little boy's life and to just pray and have faith!! I know this little baby is so young and helpless but God can preform miracles and I will be praying for an absolute miracle for this little boy. My heart goes out to the whole family =(

  3. Definitely praying ... please keep us updated on this beautiful little guy!

  4. I am praying for this handsome little man and his family!
