Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Eve

The best part about Thanksgiving (well besides the food, of course) is that it provides the perfect time to really reflect on your life and realize all that you have to be thankful for.

This Thanksgiving I am SO very thankful for the gift of life.  The life we brought into this world last year, and the new life stirring inside of me now.  Ryder’s life lights ours up, I just can’t imagine a single day without him in it.  I can only assume that another child will give us double the joy…so much to be thankful for!

I’m thankful for family.  My husband especially, he is perfect for me.  My immediate family who is there every day, walking life’s journey with us.  And for the extended…you know we have lots of it!  It’s just a warm feeling to know that you have so many places or people to turn to for support.

I’m also thankful for the friendships I’ve made over the years.  They are the ones that are so special, you know they will last a lifetime.  Friends that offer so much encouragement and let you vent and don’t judge you and are genuine.  I’ve learned that you reach a point in your life where you realize which friendships those are and you cherish them, because they are worth it!

Jesus…I am so very thankful for Him.  Without Him I would have nothing to be thankful for. 

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving…and remembers all that they have to be thankful for!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!! You're right, we have so much to be thankful for all year long :). Hope you guys have a great day.
