Friday, November 26, 2010

9 Weeks!

Well Thanksgiving definitely made this week fly by, hopefully with more Holiday’s coming up a few more will go by just as fast!

Your Baby:

  • Is about the size of a grape, or perhaps a cocktail olive, the kind that’s marinated in vermouth and stuffed with blue cheese.
  • (Is not marinated in vermouth or stuffed with blue cheese.)
  • Has fingers and toes and eyelids and ears.
  • External boy and girl-parts are present, but won’t be really distinguishable for another couple weeks.


  • Have a uterus the size of a flipping grapefruit, lady.
  • *BARF* Again. Still.
  • With all the extra blood pumping through your system (about 50% more blood volume, actually), your body temperature may be a little jacked up — if you’re constantly complaining about being too hot or too cold, this is why.


This week has been the worst for nausea and food aversions…I’m definitely counting down for the 2nd trimester so that yucky feeling will go away.  My energy level is staying pretty low and my face is breaking out horribly (that didn’t happen with Ryder).  I’m not in maternity pants yet, but I can’t button my jeans.  Jamie gave me her bella band and that seems to be doing the trick…and as you’ll see below wearing over sized hoodies makes me feel better too!

Ryder went from being completely clueless about the new baby, to being completely knowledgeable.  He talks about him/her every day and always asks if he can kiss my belly!  He knows there’s a baby in there and sometimes I’ll ask him “what do you think the baby is doing right now?” and he’ll either say “sleeping” or “swimming”!  I’m pretty sure he’s right :)  He kept asking if the baby could play, and I always tell him he has to wait a while so the other day he said “baby can’t play…be patient?!”  So smart!

Here we are:



  1. I'm breaking out terrible too...but I did with Mikayla too. Maybe it means we're both having girls, lol. ;) Happy 9 weeks!

  2. That is just super sweet of Ryder :) Love him!

  3. I hope the nausea passes soon!!! Only 3 more weeks till the 2nd trimester, yay!!! :)
