Sunday, November 21, 2010

Such a Little Man

Some of my favorite things that Ryder says or does are things that Alan teaches him.  It makes me realize how important it is for a boy to have his Daddy, because there are certain things that Mommy would just never think to teach her son…like the difference between an automatic car and a stick shift, the noise a Harley Davidson makes, and what you do when you see a deer:

One thing that has surprised me is how much of a help Alan is in the potty department.  Lately since Ryder has been telling us that he is going potty in his diaper, Alan has been teaching him about the potty and how it all works and bringing him to observe when he has to go.  We always let him go sit on his potty with his clothes on and let him pretend to go, and we sit him on his potty before bath time, but he has never gone, he just pretends.  BUT…tonight, shortly after I took that video, he wanted his pants off and right after I took them off he said “Ryder go potty?”  So I took his diaper off and I let him sit on the BIG BOY potty this time, and much to my surprise, he PEED!!!  I was so excited, and so was he, mainly because that meant he was allowed to flush the toilet!  We told Daddy when he got home (from an ice-cream run, we are spoiled!) and he was super excited too!  We were going to wait until the summer time to start potty training, but maybe we’ll attempt it after Christmas and see if we can get anywhere!


  1. Go Ryder! If you dont wait then mommy & daddy will have more money to buy you gifts for Christmas instead of using it for diapers!

  2. Aw, I love the video and yay for Ryder going on the potty!! It's so exciting the first time they go :)

  3. Awww YAY I can't believe he peed!!!!!!!!! That's so exciting :)

  4. HAHA love the hunting lesson, he's such a big boy going potty already, go Ryder!

  5. I bet Alan can't wait to take Ryder to shoot a buck. LOL

  6. Yah for Ryder!! That's sooo awesome!
