Friday, November 12, 2010


I saw this post on Diana’s blog a few weeks ago and thought it was a really cute idea!  These babies grow up so fast and their little personalities and quirks change, so I love any chance to document each stage of Ryder’s life.  All to soon, the things he always does now will be things he never does and I don’t want to forget about them.  So here we go:


~ Talks!  He talks from the second he wakes up until the second he falls asleep.  He’s either repeating what you say or telling you what he’s doing or just rambling on and on…but something is always coming out of his mouth!

~ Tells his Daddy goodnight!  Even if Daddy isn’t home, Ryder yells “night-night Dada!” from his bed, hoping Daddy will hear him wherever he is. 

~ Wants kisses!  A regular kiss first, then he wants an eskimo kiss, then he wants a butterfly kiss, then a bear hug…in that order!

~ Eats Snacks!  He has a snack cabinet at home and if Daddy hasn’t already brought something home or got something out of our cabinets for them to share, then Ryder will find something out of his and bring it to Daddy.  Somehow, all of the snacking they do doesn’t ruin their appetite at meal time.

~ Says goodbye to objects when we leave somewhere.  “goodbye house, goodbye mailbox, goodbye Pap-Pap’s truck, goodbye garage, goodbye fort!” And then he ends it with “see you oomooorrow”

~ Has something to do with cars.  He’s either carrying car keys around, or driving a car, or talking about a car, or making car noises…he loves motorized vehicles!


~ Calls us Mommy & Daddy!  For all this time we have been Mama & Dada, but recently he has started to say Mommy & Daddy which totally melts our hearts! 

~ Tells us when he’s “peein” or “poopin”.  He even has his own potty now that he sits on (with his clothes on) and tells us he’s “goin potta”.  Gotta start somewhere!

~ Can be dramatic!  He has perfected the faint move where something doesn’t go his way so he falls limp to the floor and cries!  That’s when operation “ignore that child” goes into full effect.

~ Asks me to read him stories out of his “Jesus Book” before bed.  He gets SO excited when we get to a page with Jesus on it!

~ Tells us what he wants to eat.  Usually he just eats whatever we’re having, but on occasion he’ll wake up and ask for pancakes for breakfast, or spaghetti for dinner.


~ Watches TV!  He used to watch his Praise Baby movie before bed, but ever since he started walking, he won’t even have anything to do with that!  He’s just not interested in TV at all, which isn’t a bad thing, but he definitely doesn’t get that from me!

~ Says I Love You!  It seems like he can/will say or repeat anything in the world, but he has only said Love you like once or twice…EVER!  I think he knows that he’s holding out on us and is doing it on purpose! 

~ Likes to swing!  Do you  know any other child that hates to swing?  It must have something to do with him feeling unstable, but he hates to swing or be thrown around.

~ Sleeps past 8 am…and that’s pushing it!  He usually wakes up around 7, but has never ever not once slept in past 8!  He goes to bed at 8pm though, so I guess after 11 or 12 hours, he’s just done!

~Says Yes to anything!  He substitutes the word “okay” for the word “yes”.  So our conversations go “Ryder would you like some milk?” “No” “Would you like some juice?” “okayyyyyy”.


Ryder will ALWAYS be the most important thing in our lives, he can SOMETIMES be a little mischievous, but he will NEVER be able to comprehend how much his Mommy & Daddy love him.


  1. That is so funny & cute that he will sit on the potty and tell you when he's doing his business! lol Maybe that means potty training will be easy for you!!

  2. Carter went through a period where he NEVER wanted to swing! I think it is that feeling, unstable & butterflies in the belly lol! Cute post, these are all definitely things you want to remember forever :)

  3. Awww its so cute how he always wants kisses.. and all the different ones too! He's such a lovable little guy <3 I love this post.. definitely something you should do every so often :)

  4. I love this one! The fake fainting is hilarious....we have plenty of Operation 'ignore that child' moments at our house these days too! :)
