Friday, November 5, 2010

6 Weeks!!

I seriously feel like I blinked and then a week went by!  Probably because crazy long work days mixed with sleepless nights are a bad combination, and leave a pregnant-working-mommy in quite the daze as the days go by!  Here is what Alpha Mom ( has to say about week 6:

Your baby:

  • Has tripled or even quadrupled in size and is now three or four entire millimeters long! Godzilla baby!
  • Is working on growing a nose, some ears and a mouth.
  • Is also growing flappy little leg and arm buds.
  • Has a heartbeat that can be seen on an ultrasound — 100 to 160 beats per minute.


  • Are maybe moody as hell.
  • Are getting up in the middle of the night to pee.
  • Food cravings and/or aversions can be pretty strong at this point. If salad with a prenatal vitamin chaser makes your stomach flip and your esophagus burn, then for goodness sake skip the salad and eat something that sounds appealing, be it chicken nuggets or black olives straight out of the can. There’s no need to be the Healthy Salad Martyr Pregnant Woman, nobody likes her anyway.
  • Depending on the state of your digestive system and appetite, you may have gained a couple pounds already — or you may have lost weight. Don’t stress either way right now. It’ll probably all even out in the end.

Hmm lets see…Moody? check! Waking up in the middle of the night? check!  Food aversions…thank GOD those have not started yet.  I haven’t had any bouts of nausea, which I am dreading as I wait for that phase to arrive.  For now I’m just trying to figure out what is causing these major dizzy spells I have been having.  My guess is that it wasn’t a good idea for me to start the diabetes diet yet, so cutting out all of my sugars and cutting back on carbs was a bad idea!  I took my blood sugar after a big dinner the other night and it was only 78 (should have been around 140!)  Needless to say, I started eating sugar again.  I can’t WAIT for my appointment on Monday so that I can quit self-diagnosing myself and get some advice from a professional on how to handle pregnancy #2! 


  1. "Moody as hell"... "I'M AT WORK, I'LL CALL YOU BACK!" lol.

  2. I can't believe you still have the Diabetes testing kit!! Haha I'm glad your eating sugar again though, bc you might not even get diabetes this time around :) I can't wait till your appt!

  3. Man I hope those dizzy spells go away and I too am looking forward to hearing about this first appointment on Monday!!

  4. YAY! I can't wait for your doctor appointment on monday and getting your mind put at ease with answered questions!! Hope your work lets up a little soon for you to be able to get some much needed, well deserved rest <3 Love ya!!

  5. Haha, we're the best at self-diagnosing though!! Really, who needs a Doctor?! ;-) Can't wait for Monday either...then you're big u/s so we can all get our first peek at Baby Marsh v2 :).
