Sunday, November 28, 2010

Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That

Sorry if I’ve been slacking on blog substance lately, but let me catch you up to speed on what we’ve been up to.  Thanksgiving Day was SO much fun for us, very busy, but that’s the way we do things.  Alan hunted in the morning and me & Ryder went to my brother’s house to visit with my fam and have breakfast.  We came home, got ready, then headed to Grandma’s for our first dinner, then went to Alan’s Dads for our second dinner.  So we hung out with family and got really full, it was great!  I tried to get some cute pictures in the leaves…but Ryder wasn’t feeling the leaves this year!




Me & my Mom decided to do the Black Friday thing so we met at 3am and shopped until 7am.  It was fun…but exhausting!  It feels good to have started my Christmas shopping though!  Speaking of exhausting, this long weekend must have been very tiring for Ryder because he slept until 9:20 on Friday & Saturday mornings, and until 8:45 this morning!  It was soooooo nice for him to sleep in for once.  Of course me & Alan were both awake worrying sick that something was wrong with him the first day!  But when the trend continued throughout the weekend, we took advantage of it!

A few weeks ago, my mom bought Ryder a wagon.  The day she bought it, Daddy put it together and Yaya pulled him around the house.



But today we ventured out and took him for a wagon ride, which he absolutely loved!



It felt good to get some fresh air, I’ve been feeling very BLAH lately, so we’ve just been lounging around mostly.  But after our walk we decided to put our Christmas tree up!!  This ALWAYS makes me feel better.  I love getting in the Christmas spirit, it is by far my favorite time of the year, so even though I’m totally not ready for it, I’m really glad that it’s here!

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And now it’s back to work tomorrow…YAYYY!  Totally being sarcastic and not excited at all that this long weekend is over, but we sure did enjoy it while it lasted.


  1. I bet it was so nice sleeping in all weekend, I really can not wait until Madalynn hits that stage! lol Oh and I just love his little mohawk hat!!!! =)

  2. I love your Christmas Tree :) Glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving break!!!

  3. Mikayla wasn't feeling the leaves either this year...I had visions of cute pictures in a pile of leaves that she put a quick stop to. Love the tree...I'm SO ready for Santa!!! :-)

  4. Your tree is beautiful!!! Ryder looks so tall in that first picture! Glad you guys enjoyed your break :)

  5. Your tree is gorgeous! as always :) and thats our picture with all the snowmen!! yay! (we looked so good at your wedding, lol)
    and I love Ryder's hoodie! too cute!
    love you guys bunches, I need to come visit soon..

  6. Love Ryders cute hat and way to go to tackle the crowds for Black Friday!
