Monday, November 8, 2010

1st Appt for the New Baby

Today I had my first Dr. Appt for baby #2!  It was pretty routine, they did a pregnancy test…still positive!  And we just talked about my last pregnancy and some things that will be to come for this one.  First of all, I should NOT have started that diabetes diet.  The Doctor said that your sugars go a little crazy in the beginning of your pregnancy anyway, so for me to try to regulate them while my body is trying to regulate them is a bad combination and I could have fainted…which is exactly how those dizzy spells were making me feel.  I will be tested for diabetes early in the pregnancy, just not yet.

I will definitely be having a repeat C-Section which they will schedule for 1 week before my due date.  I have a sonogram scheduled for next Monday so that they can measure the baby and get an accurate due date. 

Of course we talked about Ryder and the complications that came with his pregnancy and birth.  I was shocked to hear the Doctor say that he has never had a patient whose child has had a stroke before!  That’s how uncommon it is…and with that said, I don’t want to hear any statistics during this whole pregnancy.  He is going to call the high risk Doctor and see how soon I need to be seen by him. 

And that’s about it…until next Monday :)


  1. Glad you got some answers about your dizziness...I told you that you just needed a little sugar! ;) Can't wait for next Monday now!

  2. Ahhh I can't wait till next week for that sonogram! :)

  3. Well dang, I thought you were doing the right thing by starting your diet! Opps ;) At least you know not to yet! Thank goodness you found out sooner or later!! Can't wait to see baby #2 in that sono picture :)

  4. Glad to hear everything went well B! Can't wait to see the new baby!! :) xoxo

  5. I'm really looking forward to hearing all about baby #2 and also seeing this little peanut's picture next week ;-)

  6. Excited to see Baby#2's sono!!! Praying for you and your family for a healthy pregnancy!!! :-)

  7. Glad to know you found some answers!! I know this week can't go by fast enough so you can finally see that baby! :)

  8. So glad your first appointment went well! Take care of yourself and that little baby. Like everyone else I can't wait to see the peanut sonogram!
