Saturday, September 11, 2010


That’s pretty much where we’re at right this second with Ryder’s therapy.  Let me give you the rundown, for those of you who are following along this crazy road…

His Occupational Therapy ended at Children’s Hospital 3 weeks ago because we reached our 90 day limit given by the insurance company.  Early Intervention agreed to come back out to our home and provide Occupational Therapy once a week, but they ended up losing their Occupational Therapist.  SO, they are in search of a new one and we’re waiting patiently for them to find someone and start coming.  Ryder needs OT so bad…it works very specifically with his arm and hand which lately are back to being clenched tight and close to his body.  I know that he is focusing so hard on his new skill (walking!) so this is expected, but I’d just hate for him to lose any of the progress he had made previously.

He had his last Physical Therapy appointment on Thursday for the 90 days provided by the insurance for this diagnosis.  But, our hero Dr. Hotchkiss submitted a script for 90 more days under a different diagnosis, so we are waiting on the edge of our seats to find out whether they are going to accept or deny that.  The insurance company is requiring the PT to do an explanation of the change in diagnosis and it had to be dated the last day of the first 90 day cycle.  She submitted it to them on Thursday and now we wait…

Our best case scenario at this moment is for Ryder to get accepted onto the EDCD waiver through Medicaid, and then he could get all the therapy and medical intervention he would ever need to assist in his recovery.  We applied for that in May, and they finally called with a date for Social Services to come do his assessment, which will be 9/20. 

So today we are at a standstill, but soon things should start happening, and whether the outcomes are good or bad, atleast we will know something. 

Just tell me something people!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for all great news and everything to be accepted for him to continue PT.
