Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Journey to Walking

The area that was most effected by Ryder's stroke was definitely in his motor skills.  He has reached every developmental milestone a little late, but he always reaches them and we are always over joyed when he does!  Now that he's a professional walker, I thought I'd put together a little montage of his journey to show how he got here, and how proud of him we have been every step of the way. 


  1. aww, I love watching his progress! Loved having you guys this weekend :)

    Love ya Ryder Cup! ;)

  2. So cool! Glad to hear that he is walking so GREAT now! He is such a strong little guy and a true testimony to not giving up!

  3. I'm so proud of this boy! Keep it up little man!

  4. YAyyyy i love the montage, so happy for Ryder.. pushing past his obstacles and now he's just moving right along :) I can't wait to see how the foot doctor thing helps (sorry, prego brain I can NOT think of the word but you know what I mean lol) and then he'll be RUNning around in no time <3
