Monday, September 27, 2010

Orthotics Fitting

Nothing like following up a nice, relaxing vacation with a not-so-fun Doctors appointment!  Not that Jelena & Dr. Hotchkiss aren’t fun!  But holding Ryder down while they cast his feet…yeah…that’s not a lot of fun.  The day started great, Ryder had everyone in the waiting room cracking up, so hard that me & Daddy were crying from laughing.  He flirted with the “ladies” at the front desk, then ran the halls of the office like he owned the place (of course he found the cleaning closet and managed to sweep with every broom in there!).  But when it was time to get down to business, the mood changed quite a bit. 

We gave him Benadryl to try to make him a little drowsy, we bribed him with a lollipop, then with cookies, but nothing worked.  When he realized that Daddy, Mommy, Jelena, and the Dr. were all holding him down, he flipped out.  He was more mad than I have ever ever ever seen him!  Even worse than when he gets his blood taken.  It’s not like it was hurting him or anything, he just hates being held down…I knew it would be rough.  They casted each foot separately and had to hold it on long enough for the mold to dry.  When it was over, he was exhausted.  It was too chaotic for me to even think about taking pictures during the whole thing, but I did get a few of the aftermath:

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He was so sad and tired that he passed out and was snoring before we even left the parking lot.  But, he woke up once we got to the grocery store and had totally forgotten about his traumatic morning.  I’m sure it helped that we spoiled him with all of his favorite things: banana, donuts, and a slurpee!



I’m so glad that’s over with…but Jelena hit me with a dagger today that we’re going to have to do this every 6 months as his feet grow!  Maybe it will get easier…wishful thinking I’m sure, but whatever it takes to help our boy.  We’re just glad to be getting it all out of the way now so he won’t remember any of it!  We’ll be picking up his Orthotics in about 2-4 weeks when they are done being made and we’ll see what happens from there!

I have to tell you, even though it was really hard to watch him have so much anger and rage as we held him down, Daddy said in the car that he was pretty impressed with how much fight Ryder had.  He never gave up, he fought us with all of his strength, with everything he had in him.  I’m glad he doesn’t get to this point often, just like his Daddy, it takes a lot to get them angry…but once they are, you better look out!


  1. I'm glad you got that over with! His shirt was too cute...and I see even Daddy got a lollipop from the Dr.! haha ;)

  2. He definitely put up a good fight, I was impressed! At least we have six months to prepare for the next fight! lol

  3. I know that was stressful!!! At least its over now and you have 6 months till the next visit :) He is still adorable when he's mad!! lol

  4. Poor Ryder!! Glad it's over with!!! He's so adorable!!!!

  5. He is such a brave boy though still! So glad this process has started! I think his shirt is cool too!

  6. Kenzie loves powdered donuts and slurpees too.

    Hopefully next casting won't be so brutal for him. : ) He is so stinking cute! : )
