Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Funny Stuff!

Does it surprise anyone else that my son already knows what the Harley Davidson emblem looks like AND what noise a Harley makes? 

Tonight, me & Ryder were reading a story before bed out of his Children’s Bible.  The story we were reading was about Jesus going to the desert to pray and the Devil coming there and trying to tempt him. 
As I got to this page and read “But Jesus told him to go away…”  Ryder started to shew the picture of the devil saying “Go way fwy! Go way!”  (Thank you Ressa for teaching Ryder how to shew the flies away!)  I couldn’t help but laugh because the artist did make Satan look like a fly that was buzzing around his precious Jesus!   My heart melted for a second as I silently prayed that it will be just as easy for Ryder to get rid of the devil when he is being tempted himself, saying “GO AWAY FLY!  You’re bothering me!”


  1. Daddy's teaching him early huh?? I'm just waiting to see a side cart on that Harley and Ryder sitting in it with a mini helmet and googles :)

  2. haha, with a name like Ryder...and a daddy like alan, it was pretty much a given he would love Harleys :)

    Too cute about the story also!!! ...where did you get that book?

  3. LOL love that video ... he's such a smart little guy!!

  4. He is so adorable! Great way to think of Satan as a fly annoyingly buzzing around. Way to shew and swat him aways Ryder!
