Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Rest of Our Trip…

We had even more fun, of course!  We took Ryder to Oregon Inlet to watch the “Big Boats” come in and see all the fish they caught for the day.  We were front and center as the fisherman threw out their fish and Ryder got a kick out of it.  He was shouting “Throw! Fish!” and then he wanted to touch them…so he did!



We spent lots of time hanging around at the house we rented.  Ryder loved it there, especially having so many people on each level, and he loved having the balcony on the back and being able to see the water!

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Hanging with the guys, he fits right in with his camo shorts!

186 Ree-Ree’s doggy Jaz showed up the last night we were there, Ryder looked a bit concerned, like maybe she might take some of the attention off of him.  But not to worry, there was plenty to go around.

192 I have to tell you, Ryder’s favorite thing about this house…and possibly about our whole vacation, was…the BROOM!  Go figure!  (If Nana was on vacation with us, she would have been so proud!)  He would bring it to each person and say “brooma, fweep!” so we all took turns sweeping.  All day.  Every day.  Silly boy!

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One of Mommy’s favorite parts were the sunrises we got to see each morning.  Because, even on vacation, my child rises before the sun!




224We had such a wonderful time!  And it was a great learning experience for Ryder…I never realized how much he would learn by just taking him out of his element.  He now knows upstairs, downstairs, inside, outside, and even though he still won’t say the word “YES”, he says “mmmhmmm” now if you ask him a question and the answer is yes!   Also, he started putting 2 words together all week!  So far he has said big truck, trash can, tooth brush, school bus, mr. sun, up stairs, and down stairs.  And when we got home he said “cool bus, bring, fort”…and brought his new school bus into his fort! 

Speaking of being home…here are is a picture of Ryder will all of the treats he brought home from Nagshead:

227A humungous THANK YOU!  To Pop-pop, Nana, Ree-Ree, Slick, Jig-Jig, Billy, Debbie, Chris, and Dawn for spoiling this child rotten all week and for catering to his every in, out, up, down, help, sweep, dance, sing, etc. demands.  You guys definitely made his very first vacation so memorable and fun!  And now Vicky will get to spend the next week de-spoiling him, sorry Nana!  Actually, she misses him so much that the spoiling will probably just continue!

And Happy Anniversary to CJ & Angela!  They decided last minute to come spend their anniversary weekend in Nagshead so we got to hang out with them on our last night there! 

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Great vacation, and now it’s back to reality! 


  1. Glad you guys made it home and had a great vacation! The sunrise pictures are awesome too!

  2. We had so much fun meeting up with you guys :) Love all the sunset pictures, so pretty!!
