Thursday, September 2, 2010

Caught On Tape!

So, there you have it, I finally caught Ryder on tape saying his name…and did you see what else I caught?!  Ryder has not been the only one drawing on the crib!  But, if I’ve learned anything about my parenting style, it’s that I do best with the “pick your battles” approach, and this is one I’ll choose to let go.  I mean, he’s not hurting anything by drawing under there, he’s learning to spell his name, and who knows, you might be looking at a future artist! :)


  1. haha, that's so funny.... you're a pretty good detective though so I'm sure you can figure it out!! ;)

  2. He is so brilliant! He speaks so well for his age!

  3. Haha, I love that he has a "fort" and he does talk really good, you can have conversations with him now!! & your a pretty cool mama, letting him draw under there! But your right, it isnt hurting anything, its too cute! ;)

  4. LMBO!! Wow.. I'm glad we finally got to see what he's been writing under there, and good to know he didn't come up with that idea all on his own!! Now to find out who the culprit was before you walk in Ryder's room to see him drawing on the walls or something haha. He says his name so GOOD!! I'm so happy you finally got that on camera, and that Ryder didn't ruin the video by drawing on the camera lens! LOL I think this is one of my favorite videos!!!!

  5. I love his videos! Thanks for sharing it. He's so cool.

  6. Love the drawings, you are so right he isnt hurting anything. my favortie part was you caught him saying Pen Pen. I love him so much.

  7. Ha Ha Ha. Hey....that's how the Sistine Chapel was painted right?? Michael Angelo lying on his back??? i could be way off base with places and names but someone painted something lying on their back!!! I probably spelled Sisting wrong too...I need to go back to high school:) Good thing I only teach pre k. Now I have to check and see if i'm right!!

  8. I was so right!!! My memory serves me well at times:)
