Wednesday, September 29, 2010

18 Month Dr. Appt & Some Big News!

Today Ryder had his 18 month check-up…and everything went well.  He is 31.5 inches long which is in the 25th percentile for his age.  She was happy to see that he had grown taller since he hasn’t at his last few appointments.  But his weight hasn’t gone up at all, he isn’t even on the percentile chart!  He is only 20.6 pounds!  I assured her that he eats great and has a wonderful appetite, but I guess he just burns it fast by always being on the go!  We left there with a prescription to try a new lotion for his Eczema, and a referral to a Pediatric Ophthalmologist. 

Okay…onto way more exciting stuff…I got a letter in the mail today…anddddddd….

Ryder got approved for Medicaid!!! 

Exciting, right?!  After a long wait and a hard fight, we don’t need to worry any more about insurance holding us back on Ryder’s road to recovery!  We don’t qualify for Medicaid because of our income, so it was pretty tricky to get him covered, but basically he was determined disabled so that made him eligible for the Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Direction waiver.  Last Monday we had someone from Social Services and someone from the Department of Health come out to the house and do an evaluation to see if he qualified for the waiver.  By being on this waiver, he is able to receive Long Term Medicaid which is a HUGE answered prayer for us.  So, we’re set to start therapy back tomorrow!  And if the insurance company denies it, then I can shrug it off and submit the claim to Medicaid who will cover all medical costs that our insurance does not cover. 

And now we can exhale…


  1. I'm so glad you got that final approval today! I know what a relief it is for you guys! :)

  2. Brandy, that is such great news about the insurance coverage, what an answer to prayer!!

  3. How exciting!! That is GREAT!!!!!

  4. Yeah! Praise God! I am exhaling with you!!!

  5. Wow, this is GREAT news! I know this is a huge relief for you guys! Thank GOD :)

  6. What an answered prayer, right? So happy for you guys! : )

  7. YAY! I'm so happy for you guys. Thank God!! xoxo

  8. I knew it was the big news! :) So happy for you!!
