Monday, December 21, 2009

Ryder’s First BIG Snow!

We got hit hard with snow this weekend, ending up with about a foot and a half!  My favorite thing about big snowfalls like this is being snowed in…but…if you remember THIS post, you’ll realize that we have absolutely no  excuse to be snowed in anymore :( 

Alan drove to MD and picked up Nick & Lindsay (since they were snowed in) so that they could come over.Ryder 128

They brought Ryder his very first Christmas present!  It couldn’t have come at a more perfect time, look how adorable he is all bundled up in his new winter bear suit!

Ryder 119Ryder 120 

Ryder only got to experience the snow in his car seat, and Daddy let him have a taste of it.

Ryder 124 Ryder 127

Then we brought him over to Yaya’s to be snowed in with her :)  He stayed the night there, and we all headed over to Poppy & Nana’s for the Christmas Party!  When everyone you know has a 4-Wheel drive truck, I guess there’s no point in cancelling events because of snow!

A yard full of trucks!Ryder 140                                                             






Family Shots:                              Ryder 145Ryder 147

 The hottest guy at the party:Ryder 162

The Lovebirds <3                     Ryder 153        

Penny & Aunt Vicki                                        Ryder 159Ryder 154

We even got a surprise visit from the president!Ryder 137

And Miss Maddie was a little trooper!  This year at the Christmas party Lindsay was pregnant…Ryder 160 Ryder 156Ryder 151

Last year I was pregnant at the party (and proud of that belly!):Brandy

And the year before that, Angela was pregnant at the party!Angela  

I wonder who it will be next year…Kristen?!


  1. So bummed we didn't make it :( I miss you guys and I want to see Ryder! Glad you had a good time though (would've been so much funnier with me :) that word can go both ways. haha.
    oh, and for the last statement, funny.
    LOVE YALL! kisses!

  2. Thanks again for having us Brandy, we had a great time!! =)
