Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Does this baby look familiar??


Could it be because he grew up, had a son, and passed all of his genes onto him?!  I found this picture of Alan as a baby and couldn’t get over how many similarities him & Ryder have! 


Same EXACT hair, same chin, cheeks, nose, ears, forehead, eyebrows, lines under their eyes…they even look like they’re about the same size at this age!  I wish Darla were here to see this, she would be in awe of her son’s son!

And, just to prove that I did have something to do with creating this baby, look at this baby picture of my Father next to Ryder:

dadbaby 8Months 101

So basically, he gets his pouty face from his Daddy’s genes, and his happy face from his Mommy’s genes!  Sounds about right :-)


  1. haha, that was cute! he does look like both of you! :)

  2. That is so crazy how much he really looks like Alan!

  3. aw he really does look like Alan but he has a lot of your features too =)

  4. This is crazy to see the pictures side by side..you can really see just how much he does look like Alan and your dad too!!! Now where's your baby picture??? I'm sure he looks like mama too :)
