Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Toys

This is what our days after Christmas have looked like:

9 Months 002

We have been laying around in our pajama’s, playing with all of our new toys (Mommy & Daddy got new toys too!)  We’ve had so much fun being lazy, that we decided to start a tradition…every year we’re going to spend the day after Christmas in our pajamas, playing with all of our new toys.  I’m already looking forward to next year!

Some of the things Ryder got on his very First Christmas: Drums, dump truck, basketball, baseball, stuffed animals, elmo hands, blocks, clothes, snow suit, some adorable “My First Christmas” gear, Praise Baby DVD’s & CD’s (love them!), bath toys, books, and Mommy’s favorite – LOTS of supplies (diapers, wipes, laundry detergent, food, etc).  I took advantage of the fact that I got to write his Christmas list this year :)

And the winner of what got the biggest reaction out of him and has kept his attention for all the days following….drum roll please…CARS (good choice Uncle Dwayne & Aunt Jess)!!

And so this is what our days after Christmas have sounded like:

He is totally hooked on his cars, and it amazes me to watch him play and actually make the car noises!  “Vroom” is now the 3rd word in his vocabulary!!  What…Vroom is a word…right?!?!


  1. lol, so cute. Bailey makes the 'vroom' noise too, so I think it's safe to say it's a word :) haha.

  2. such a big boy!! I'm glad you guys had a nice Christmas! I'll try to get my Christmas blog up tonight...
