Wednesday, December 23, 2009

9 Month Check-Up

Ryder had his 9 month appt today with his Pediatrician.  Here are some stats from his check-up:

  • He weighs 16 lbs 10 oz – that is the 3rd percentile for babies his age.
  • He is 28.5 inches long – that is the 58th percentile for babies his age. 
  • She evaluated his arm again and is consulting with a neurologist to see if they can do some testing for nerve damage which she is suspecting could be causing this.  The solution for that would be Occupational Therapy, so I’m glad we’ve already got that in the works! 

Today’s appointment was wonderful because…NO SHOTS!!  He got a break, which Mommy was so happy to hear!  As far as development, his social, communication, and fine motor skills are developing right on schedule, he is still a little behind in gross motor and problem solving, but we’re pretty sure that aside from him being a preemie, his arm is holding him back a little, preventing him from doing a lot of the things that require 2 hands.  All in all, he’s growing big and strong, has an amazing personality, and is such a little joy to have around.

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