Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009: Year in Review

January ~

We brought in the New Year at Poppy & Nana’s, Mommy celebrated her 25th Birthday, and we patiently anxiously awaited the birth of our brand new baby boy…who we decided this month would be called Ryder Joseph.DSCF0037 February ~

Daddy painted the baby’s room and we filled it with furniture, Mommy went to lots of Doctors appointments and by the end of the month got news that there was something causing Ryder’s kidneys to swell. Ryder constantly reassured us that he was okay by kicking, punching, and rolling all around.DSCF0059 March ~

Very busy month!  March 1st was Mommy’s Baby shower. We got a foot of snow, but it didn’t stop friends and family from coming to the shower, and they all brought LOADS of things to help us prepare for the arrival of our little bundle of joy. Mommy & Daddy celebrated our 1 year Wedding Anniversary on March 8th, we got to eat the top layer of our wedding cake and it was SOOO yummy (but shhh, that was a big no-no since Mommy had diabetes and wasn’t supposed to eat sugar). Ryder definitely enjoyed the cake, he bounced around the rest of the night in my tummy. March brought more Dr. Appt’s and more not-so-good news until it was time to just get the baby out and ready for medical intervention. Ryder was born 6 weeks premature on March 19th at 2:26 pm, weighing 6 pounds 2 ounces. He was diagnosed with Posterior Urethral Valves and had corrective surgery on March 31st. In the meantime, Mommy was recovering from a C-Section, and we spent most of our time in the NICU at the hospital visiting the new love of our life.IMG_7573April ~

On April 1st Ryder finally got to come home!! This was the best feeling ever for Mommy & Daddy. The rest of the month we mostly just stared at him, talked about all his little pieces and movements, and bonded with him. He celebrated his first Holiday which was Easter! He turned one month old and later that month we laughed when his actual Due Date came.Parts collage 2 May ~

Mommy’s 1st Mother’s Day and Ryder’s Dedication – both great reasons to celebrate! Ryder turned 2 months old, smiled for the 1st time, and went to his very 1st Birthday Party when Carter turned 1.                                                          2months 009 June ~

Mommy & Daddy left Ryder for the first time ever this month, we went out to dinner! Later in the month, Mommy had to return to work, so leaving him was something that became very routine, it was such a hard transition though! Daddy celebrated his 1st Father’s Day ever! Ryder turned 3 months old, his hair started falling out, and he started becoming interested in playing with toys.                                                              Toy 001 July ~

This month Ryder moved to his own room and finally started sleeping through the night! He rolled from tummy to back and started holding his head up. He turned 4 months old and ate rice out of a bowl for the first time. We got to hear him laugh for the first time, which was music to our ears! We took lots of trips to the pool, which Ryder found to be very relaxing.pool 002 August ~

Yummm, this month Ryder got to try baby foods! He ate peas and sweet potatoes first and loved them. He turned 5 months old and started to enjoy time in his walkers and jumperoo. Uncle Gregg moved in this month, and Mommy & Ryder made some new friends from “blog world”. 5 Months 006 September ~

This month Ryder turned 6 months old and figured out how to roll over from his back to his stomach.  He also started drinking from a sippy cup, and spoke his first word: DADA!  Ryder spent most of his time chewing on his fingers, toes, or anything he could grab ahold of.                                6months 144 October ~

Daddy had a birthday October 2nd!  Ryder’s personality was really showing through by this month.  He became so smiley, giggly, and very alert.  He got sick for the first time ever, so that was not fun for any of us, but luckily it was just a cold that came and went pretty fast.  He became an avid bouncer, that being his single most favorite thing to do!  He turned 7 months old and at the end of the month Ryder dressed up in Halloween gear for an entire week!IMG_1310 November ~

This month, Ryder moved up to 3 meals a day with bottles in between, plus started to enjoy snacks like puffs and frozen fruit.  We participated in the Kidney Walk as Team Ryder and raised almost $2,000 to benefit the National Kidney Foundation.  He turned 8 months old, and we celebrated Thanksgiving, reminding us of how VERY much we have to be thankful for!KidneyWalk 014 December ~

Another busy month!  December 1st Ryder went in for another corrective surgery for his kidneys, only to find out that his body has grown and corrected itself and he is all better (with help from God of course!)  He said the best word in the dictionary: MAMA (okay maybe I’m a little bias).  He figured out how to sit unsupported, turned 9 months old, started army crawling to get around, and got his two front teeth just in time for Christmas!  He celebrated his first Christmas and really enjoyed ripping the wrapping paper off of his presents.  He has a newfound obsession with cars, and learned how to make car noises as he plays. ChristmasPic

And now, it’s New Year’s Eve.  The day we say good-bye to 2009 and welcome 2010 with open arms.  2009 brought us a mixture of happiness, tears, pleasure, and pain…but overall it is the year that we will remember experiencing the deepest love imaginable for the very first time, a feeling that our hearts had never known and will never forget.


Good-Bye 2009, you were the most memorable one yet!


  1. AW this was a really good idea :) Its cool to see how much has changed from last year to this one!! and how much Ryder has changed, omg!!! So cute :)
