Friday, December 25, 2009

Ryder’s 1st Christmas Ever!

Mommy & Daddy woke up at 5am and forgot that we are the parents now, not the children anymore…but we were so excited that we couldn’t go back to sleep!  So, what better to do then wake everyone in our house up:

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And then head over to Poppy & Nana’s and wake everyone in their house up!  Ryder got his presents first and he dug right in!   He actually surprised us at how well he did unwrapping presents, he really enjoyed it. 

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As you can see, he had a basket full of goodies, plus LOTS more under the tree, so by the time this was over we decided to go home and let him take a nap to rebuild some energy!

While Ryder napped, we opened our presents to/from eachother.  Alan and I spoil eachother every year and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  We enjoy splurging once a year and it makes Christmas so much fun for us.  When Ryder woke up from his nap, him & Daddy opened up Monster Trucks and Ryder’s new dump truck!

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Then we headed back to Poppy & Nana’s to exchange gifts with them.  Here are the boys with their Ninja Turtle stockings:

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Ryder helping Nana open one of her presents:Christmas 135

Mommy & Ryder on his 1st Christmas, please make note of our exact same facial expressions!            Christmas 132 Christmas 133

So adorable in his jammies!                 Christmas 134

Ryder went and hung out with Poppy in the kitchen for a while:

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Then we went back home and Yaya came over to exchange gifts:

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Tired yet??  So were we and it was only noon!  Our day didn’t end there but our pictures do!  We finally got out of our pj’s and got dressed to go over to Me-Mew’s.  We spent the rest of the afternoon/evening there and then stopped back by Poppy & Nana’s on the way home.  I left my camera there…so…no pictures of those parts of our day.  But as I’m sure you can guess, they were filled with family, food, and fun! 

We had such a wonderful Christmas this year, we always do!  It’s my favorite day, I love everything about it. 

Everyone seemed to love the gifts we got them, and we all received SO many great gifts, we’re really lucky to have such amazing people in our lives that care so much and do so much for us.  Tomorrow is going to be like Christmas all over again when we get to go through everything, I’m way too exhausted to do it tonight. 

Goodbye Christmas ~ Until Next Year!

1 comment:

  1. What a great Christmas you guys had! Hope to see yall soon! xoxo
