Saturday, December 19, 2009

Nine Months Old!!

Nine Months

Today marks the day that Ryder has been alive for 3/4 of a year!  It also marks the day that Mommy realizes that it’s almost time to start planning someone’s FIRST birthday!  Time flies…guess that means we must be having lots of fun :-)  9Months 0239Months 031

   Let’s see what Ryder has been up to in his NINTH month of life:

  • We got the best news ever this month, that Ryder’s kidney’s and urinary tract are all better!  His body has been hard at work, growing strong and making everything work the way it should! 
  • He can sit all by himself, unsupported now!  He can also stand while holding onto something!
  • He is eating stage 3 foods now, and I’ve just started adding real (not baby) food to his meals.  He has had mac-n-cheese, a real sweet potato, smashed peas, jello, and lots of bread!
  • He got his two bottom teeth!  Finally! 
  • He wears a size 3 diaper and 6-9 month clothes.
  • He has perfected the army crawl and can get anywhere he wants to!
  • Unfortunately, he has learned what the word NO means, and it hurts his feelings when we have to use it…Like when he crawls under the Christmas tree or over to the step at Aunt Vicki’s.  He’s the quiet, mischievous type, we’re gonna have to watch him closely!
  • He says Dada, Mama, and lots of things that start with B, G, N, and Y!
  • He has great social skills…he smiles at anyone that talks to him, he is very alert to his surroundings, and he ALWAYS has to know what is going on.  As long as he’s involved, he’s happy!
  • He still enjoys his jumperoo very much, and when he can’t bounce in that, he wants to be bouncing on someone’s lap.  He has very strong legs and he likes to keep them moving!
  • Ryder loves to laugh.  The things that make him laugh the most are peek-a-boo, being tickled, and when Daddy or Uncle G throw him around.  He’s definitely a thrill seeker! 9Months 016

This month has brought about the most “growing up” changes so far.  To see his little self sitting up in the middle of a big room, or to watch him scan the room looking at all of his toys, then make a decision and head for the one he wants, have really made me sit back and realize how much he has grown up in just 9 months.  He gets more independent every month, I know we have lots of fun stuff coming up to look forward to.9Months 0129Months 019

An update on Ryder’s left arm – he has been accepted into the Early Intervention program, so we should see some major improvements in the next few months!  They’re coming here in January to do a full evaluation of his development and from there will make a plan that will most likely include Occupational Therapy to get that arm strong & coordinated so that he’ll start using it.  He is so resilient, I look at everything he has gone through with such ease already in his short little life, so I know this obstacle is not going to hold him back one bit.  We’ll get him a little help, learn some things we can do with him at home, and I’m confident that he’ll bounce back from this with grace and ease, just like everything else that comes his way. 

His 9 month check-up with the Pediatrician is Wednesday, I’ll update with some stats after that!9Months 010

Happy 9 months you beautiful little boy!


  1. he is absolutely gorgeous!! I can't believe how big he's getting!

  2. He is just the sweetest little boy! Happy 9 months Ryder man =)

  3. OMG, i just want to squeeze him :) he is so cute!
