Monday, January 31, 2011

My Little Super Hero


This was the perfect day for Ryder to wear his Batman shirt & cape because he really was a super hero today!  Ryder had to see an Orthotist today and get his left foot casted and right foot measured for his new Orthotics he’s getting made.  Last time this experience was pretty traumatic!  It took me & alan holding him down, and Jelena & Dr. H holding his legs steady so the mold could dry.  When I talked to Alan this afternoon and found out he was stuck working later than normal, I started to panic.  I was not prepared to go this appointment by myself!  But, I had no choice, so he gave me a good pep talk on the way, I prayed for God’s strength, and I stopped at 7-11 for a little candy ammunition.  I was armed with all my tools and ready for battle …


And he was a perfect little angel Big Brave Superhero!!  He sat on Mommy’s lap, skeptical of course, crying a little here and there, but did not have any exorcist moments like last time.  SHEW!  Me & the Doctor both kept telling him what a big boy he was being and how proud we were of him.  The worst part was after the cast dried and he had to use the saw to cut it off.  But he was so fast and Ryder was fine as soon as the noise was over. 


Then the fun part came and we got to pick all the colors out for his SMO to be made, I can’t wait to see the finished product.  Daddy pulled in the parking lot just as we were leaving!  He felt so bad for not making it in time, but looked super relieved when I told him how well it went.  I think Daddy thought HE would have to be the super hero who would run in the doctor’s office, hear his child screaming and bust through the door to save the day!! 


I had to throw this one in there.  This evening, Ryder packed a bag full of random things, then came and got my purse and said “Mommy, I carry you stuffs out to da Humma truck for you!” and drug everything over to the door.  He takes such good care of his Mama, he really is my hero! 


  1. So glad the appointment went better than expected! :)

  2. love the shirt and very happy to hear all went well at the docs!

  3. I love that shirt!!!! Happy to hear it went much better this time :)

  4. He was such a big boy for Mommy :)

  5. He is a brave superhero! So glad he did so well!
