Friday, January 14, 2011

16 Weeks!!

Here’s what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is a little over four inches long and weighs a little over 2.5 ounces. The chocolate bunny that I swiped from my toddler’s Easter basket weighed 3.5 ounces. But considering I shared it with my fetus, I am a good mom AND a responsible eater.
  • Has fingernails and toenails, all of which will be flesh-tearing talons by the time the baby is born. For serious, pack a teensy nail file in your hospital bag if you’d rather your baby’s first pictures NOT include giant face scratches.
  • Is covered with fine, downy hair called lanugo. THIS will mostly fall out by birth, so rest assured you will not deliver a giant razor-taloned gorilla baby, or something.


  • Are leaving the more miserable symptoms behind in the dust, more or less. My gag reflex and appetite remained extremely sensitive until about week 16 last time, and the same held true this time around.
  • Can feel your rock-hard uterus about three inches below your belly button (especially when you lie on your back). As your baby grows your uterus will continue to inch upwards out of your pelvis. Translation: YOU WON’T HAVE TO PEE SO MUCH.
  • May be having very vivid but bizarre dreams. Some will be obviously pregnancy-related (the usual ones involve breastfeeding something other than a human baby or putting an animal or your baby in the oven or microwave to “cook” awhile longer), and others will be just plain weird or upsetting, like your childhood nightmares. They should be interpreted as nothing more than dreams stemming from nerves, hormones and your constant thoughts about the future. (In other words, you aren’t really going to give birth to a turtle with a full set of human teeth.)


I’m SO happy to be 16 weeks!!  They say that starting at 16 weeks you can tell the sex of your baby, and since I have a sonogram scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, this makes me so happy and anxious to see if we’ll be able to find out!  I have to keep reminding myself that the point of this appointment is NOT to find out what we’re having, but to meet with the high risk Doctor and have him check everything out on the baby to make sure that whatever we are having is healthy!  BUT, I’m glad that I have something to look forward to because normally I would absolutely dread this appointment. 

So, back to the gender (it is consuming my mind, if you can’t tell), I just want to document that we have been thinking PINK ever since the very beginning of this pregnancy.  Me, Alan, and Ryder have all been convinced that this is a girl.  But of course, Alan flipped on us this week and is now adamant that it’s a boy, suddenly his instinct has changed.  Either one is totally fine with us…it will be so awesome for Ryder to have a brother so close in age to be best buds with.  And on the other hand, it would be so cute and fun to have one of each.  So whatever it is, we will be perfectly content, we just want to KNOW!  So stay tuned…(if we do find out, we won’t be able to post the news until later that evening, just an FYI!).

Tonight, we ate cinnamon rolls and chocolate ice cream for dinner…I’m serious!  And it felt so good!  I’m only confessing because I feel like I need to excuse my huge belly in this pic:



  1. I just know you're going to find out on Tuesday!! I can't WAIT! Your dinner sounds yummy....I think it's time for my nightly bowl of cookie dough ice cream ;)

  2. I LOVE your dinner. I just got home from work and Tommy and I talked each other into ordering pizza delivery... at 8:45 at night :) And I think you'll find out for sure on Tuesday!!

  3. Lol great dinner choice =) I can't wait to hear what he/she is - hoping for Tuesday!!

  4. You look SO good!! Can't wait to find out! :)

  5. AHhhh I'm so excited for tomorrow :) You look great!

  6. Aw B! You look so cute!! :) and yes, it's a girl, just thought I'd let you know. Love yall!
