Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Big Reveal!!

The appointment we had with the Perinatologist went great today!  We got to peek at the baby, who was curled up in a ball the whole time so they couldn’t get a good look at its heart.  But everything else seemed to look fine and we’ll be going back in 1 month for another scan.  The baby weighed 6 ounces today which is right on target for being 16 weeks along.  And the heartrate was 155 bpm. 

After the sono we went to the Perinatoligists office to have a consult, I was so nervous that he had something horrible to tell us, these appointments bring out so much fear in me!  But all he wanted to do was go over Ryder’s history and talk more specifically about the stroke.  He was the first doctor who didn’t completely brush it off as “just a fluke thing”.  He said he doesn’t want to go fishing around for an answer, but there is one blood clotting disorder that he wants to test both me & alan for to see if we are carriers, for the safety of the new baby.  If we found out that we were, he would just put me on a baby aspirin a day because it crosses the placenta and could help thin out the baby’s blood to prevent any chance of blood clotting, leading to another stroke.  So we’ll follow up with that, and see him again in a month for a better look at the baby when it is more developed.  Keep praying with us that everything stays normal and healthy!!

Now, onto the GOOD STUFF!!!  The sono tech knew exactly what the baby was, but we asked her not to tell us.  Instead, we called Aunt B and had the Sonographer leave the room and tell her what we were having.  She was on standby with cupcakes waiting to be filled with either PINK or BLUE filling.  We also had the sonographer write the gender on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope (just for more reassurance!).  So we carried around a sealed envelope for the rest of the day, and it took a lot of will power to not rip it open.  But we really wanted to share the surprise with some family & friends (just the local ones who could make spur of the moment plans to have dessert with us!).  So instead of the “It’s A BOY” or “It’s a GIRL” text that everyone was waiting for, we sent “Want to know what we’re having?? Come find out with us!  Be at our house at 6:30 tonight for dessert!”.

We had about 20 people over and here are the results of that:

The adorable cupcakes!



Mine & Daddy’s Reactions:



To the PINK filling!!!!!!!


Ryder’s reaction (He knew all along!)


Nana’s Reaction:


The adorable little favors that Aunt B made for everyone to have after the reveal:



And the note that was in the envelope from the sonographer (had to open it after the cupcakes to make sure it was still a girl!)


We didn’t get any sonogram pictures, but Aunt B did ask on the phone how certain the lady was, and she said she was 100% positive…so we’ll take it!  But don’t think I won’t be asking for a re-check at our next sono in 4 weeks, just to make sure nothing has changed!

So, looks like we will be adding a sweet little girl to the Marsh Family!  We are SO excited, and the family is ecstatic!  There hasn’t been a girl Marsh baby born in 33 years!  Our family will be perfectly symmetrical now with 3 boys and 3 girls in the house…it’s perfect! 


  1. I am so, so, so excited for you guys!!! I can't wait to see what a little girl Marsh looks like and I hope she got some of those good hair genes that her brother has. :) YAY for girls!!!!

    PS - I LOVE the picture of your reaction! So priceless!

  2. What an exciting and creative way to share with close friends and family! SO happy for you guys! ;)

  3. So happy for you guys!! Congrats on your baby girl!

  4. Congrats!!! Such a cute idea, you and Nicki should just swap baby stuff and call it a day:)

  5. HAHA I just love everyone's reactions, what a great idea with the cupcakes too!! I can't wait to meet princess Marsh ;-)

  6. Alan? Start saving now for her wedding *winks*...Brandy?(((muahahahahahaha...))) prepare to be inundated by RIBBONS and LACE and BOWBOWs...and frilly froo frooey PINK stuffs(for her hair)... POPPY? all I got to say is: Dust off that Credit card *grins* Nana?...FINNNNNNALLY a PINK ONE we can SPOIL ROTTEN! YAY!!! ooooh AND GURL TOYS wow!!! *BIG SMILES* *thinks to self:Hmmm is it too early to start thinking of Baby Shower Themes? And cake ideas? and CANDY ideas and decorations and and and .... *sighs dreamily* Love you guys... and thanks for lettin Aunt B help out with this AWESOME NEWS! *HUGS*

  7. I am so glad the baby looked healthy & will continue to pray that she keeps growing perfectly heatlhy :) I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited that its a little girl!!! CONGRATS guys! XO


  9. I knew it! Congrats. I'm very happy. Keep me updated on the clotting disorder tests! I know all about that. Sure she's super healthy and beautiful!

  10. She's going to be SO pretty!! Can't wait to see her!!! Very happy for your perfectly symmetrical family :)

  11. What a neat way to share with everyone! Congrats on your little baby girl!

  12. MY WISH CAME TRUE!! I can't wait to buy her her first pair of heels and a little Coach purse :) YAYAYAY!!! xoxo

  13. CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!!! Ryder is going to be so protective of his baby sister!!!!! I'm so excited for you and Alan. What a creative way to tell everyone the sex of the baby and to also find out yourselfs that way too!!!! I wish I was that creative :-) Again Brandy, CONGRATS!!! I can't wait to see who she will resemble!!!!

  14. OMG Congrats Girl So excited for you. I cant wait to see what im having congrats agen on the baby girl

  15. GOT the message now!! haha!! That is awesome, a GIRL!!! I love all the creativity instead of just a text! Way to do it right! She is already making a lasting impression on everyones hearts and becoming Spoiled! uh-oh Alan!
