Friday, January 7, 2011

15 Weeks!

Here’s what AlphaMom has to say about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is as big as a…wait for it…beefsteak tomato! Doesn’t that sound deliciously substantial? Am resisting urge to go pinch some produce as I type this.
  • Has started “breathing” amniotic fluid in through its nose and respiratory tract, giving those lungs some very early practice for the real thing. (Late in the third trimester, you can actually watch the fetal breathing on an ultrasound, and lo, it is very cool.)
  • Can sense light and pressure from outside of the womb, so if you want to get a jump start on annoying the crap out of your kid, shine a flashlight on your stomach or chase it around with the doppler wand every night. Or gently caress your belly while singing lullabies in a variety of foreign language and mediating on the Zen-ness of it all. You know, whatever your personal parenting style goes for.


  • May be experiencing some of the weirder symptoms of pregnancy, many of which can start early in the second trimester. Including! For example!
  • Sinus congestion! Runny nose! Stuffed-up nose! So much freaking mucus, and not in the places where you would ASSUME mucus would be involved. It’s called rhinitis of pregnancy and once again, they just blame it on “hormones.” Get yourself a humidifier or vaporizer, inhale steam in a fogged-up bathroom or try those saline nasal drops. Ask your doctor before taking any decongestant or medicated nasal spray.
  • Bleeding gums! A side effect of all that extra blood you’ve got coursing through your system. (Nosebleeds are common too.)
  • Skin pigmentation! The linea nigra, or that darkish line that runs down the center of your belly, sometimes shows up as soon as you start showing, sometimes much later. Moles, freckles and birthmarks can spread and/or darken. You might notice some melasma, or “mask of pregnancy” across your face, particularly if you spend a lot of time in the sun or have a naturally olive or darker complexion. A lot — but not all — of these changes will fade after you give birth. When in doubt, slather up on the sunscreen to increase your odds that they’ll be temporary.
  • Forgetfulness! Pregnancy brain! Gestational amnesia! Whatever you want to call it, you probably know what I’m talking about. In the past week alone, I’ve 1) run a load of laundry without any detergent, 2) made coffee without a filter, 3) tossed a Ziploc of frozen chicken to defrost in the sink but forgot to actually seal the bag, and 4) stared at my husband for three full minutes while trying to remember his name.


That last part makes me laugh because I can TOTALLY relate to the pregnancy brain issues.  I feel so forgetful these days and I remember going through this with Ryder too!  Things are so crazy at work right now too, so by the time I get home I feel like I have no brain capacity left.  Luckily home is easy so I don’t have to think too hard :)

I’m at that stage right now where most of my symptoms have gone away for the moment.  The heartburn has come back, but that’s about it.  So I’m enjoying these next few weeks, watching my belly grow bigger and BIGGER, and preparing myself for all the aches and pains to come!



  1. looks like little baby "M" is growing right along. You look great!

  2. You look so cute! Trust me the heartburn alone is ENOUGH, so glad you dont have anymore crazy symptoms!! I feel your pain...I was just there 3 weeks ago!

  3. PS-love Ryder in his new blog header and I really like the fonts!

  4. Happy 15 weeks....why can't I believe how fast yours is going when I'm only 5 weeks ahead? lol. And I LOOOOVE the new header!! It looks adorable.

  5. Loving the new header!!! Can't wait to find out the sex! Love the baby bump :)

  6. I have to agree with everyone else in saying I love the new header too!!! Your baby bump is so adorable!!! You know, with all 3 of my pregnancies I didn't journal, take pictures, nothing! I now am regretting that! Hope your feeling good! Oh, Melissa (my youngest) is sitting in my lap and we just watched the "Nope" video! She was laughing, it was cute! Ryder is ADORABLE! Take care :-)

  7. Urghh, I hope I dont get heart burn!!!!!! Hopefully it doesnt last too long for you! Happy 15 weeks!
