Wednesday, January 19, 2011

22 Months!!

Getting closer and closer to the 2 year mark!  I feel like I have so much to say about Ryder this month, it amazes me to watch him grow!
  • He’s only 22 pounds and is swimming in his 18 month clothes!
  • He got 3 new teeth this month, and I’m afraid to put my finger in the back of his mouth but I think he might be working on getting some molars.
  • He has worked so hard on going up and down the stairs in therapy, that he’s finally to the point where we’re letting him walk up and down our porch stairs, holding our hand of course (sometimes he forgets to pay attention!)
  • He is still entertaining us with his singing skills.  He has added Old Mcdonald Had a Farm, the ABC’s, and an Elmo song to his list (that only consisted of the Itsy Bitsy Spider).
  • I have a really hard time taking his picture now because as soon as he sees the camera he says “Don’t say cheesey!!”.
  • Ryder loves his little sister so much already.  He helps me put lotion on my belly and he kisses it and is so sweet, I don’t know how he understands that there is a baby in there, but he really gets it!
  • Some of his favorite foods right now are hotdogs, crunch berries, steak, and blueberries. 
  • His new favorite thing to do is find a bag and walk around the house filling it up with random things.  Once it is so heavy that he has to drag it behind him, he will bring it to one of us and say “Dis a present for Daddy (or Mommy)!”  I always act so excited, “really??? for me???” and then list everything in the bag “oh wow, a bowl!  A drill!  A 4-wheeler!  Your blankie!  You must really love your mommy!”  He thinks its hilarious, and so do I really, its always exciting to see what he managed to scrounge up.
  • On that note, he loves to list things now and he does it in my exact tone of voice.  “Da Bear has eyes, anddddddd a nose, anddddd a mouf, andddddd ears!”  Like he’s teaching me.
  • Some of my favorite things he says these days are “luzz you Mommy (or Daddy!)” for love you; he says “ummmmm” when he can’t think of a word “where’s da ummmmmm?”  somehow I always know what the um stands for!; when he says “say prayers” and then yells “AMEN!” when we’re done; “what we gonna do now??” or “what we gonna play somethin?”; “bye every guys!”; when we walk in a room, he always picks an object and says “what’s vaccuum doin in here???” “whats da chair doin in here???”.   I wish I could put a permanent tape recorder on him, I never want to forget these moments.
  • He goes “potty in da bucket” every night now before getting into his pajama’s.  And he has even asked to go a few times in the morning.  I’m not putting any pressure on this, just letting him ease his way into it, and he seems to be taking to it well.  But I know that as soon as I start suggesting it or making it seem like that’s what he NEEDS to do the “don’t wanna go potty in da bucket!” will start.  So, I’m not even going there right now.

I really can’t believe he’s going to be 2 in just 2 months!!  I love this phase though and feel like he learns something new every single day.  So as sad as I am that the months keep flying by, I’m equally as excited to watch him learn and grow every day!

Here’s a video of Ryder saying bits & pieces of his ABC’s:



  1. I like how he calls it "peeing in da bucket!" lol! && the video is adorable :)

  2. adorable, I just love the way he talks =)

  3. I love the videos because I can't get enough of his sweet little voice! Bradley talks back and Gavin grunts so his voice is a breath of fresh air to me!
