Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy 2011 everyone! Guess I should start the first post of the New Year off with some updates!

First of all, Ryder is all better, thank goodness.  He has been fever free since Friday, and is completely back to his old self.  He went on a retreat to Yaya’s house yesterday and was so excited when I got there to pick him up today because he got to show me his brand new train table.  This was Ryder’s BIG Christmas present from my Mom, but we’re keeping it at her house since there is more space in his room at her house. 



I put all my Christmas money and gift certificates together…plus asked Alan & my Mom to go in on the rest as my early Birthday present and bought myself…


A new camera!!  I’m so excited about it, but now I just have to figure out how it works.  I’ve been following Ryder around all day snapping pictures of him, and the dogs too!







Ryder got so many awesome presents for Christmas that we put some to the side and have waited to open them.  This weekend we opened 2 big ones… a race track from Nana & Poppy:



And a house from Aunt Jess & Uncle Dwayne…this is why Ryder has marker all over his face in the bathtub pics above!



This house has kept our family pretty busy!  You know how much we like to color :)  So by the end of the first night, here is what our house looks like :



Alan worked so hard on the roof that he went through a whole marker, and then had to switch to a crayon and this is all that was left of it when he was done:


We take our coloring seriously around here!

In some serious potty news…Ryder pooped on the potty for the first time over the Christmas break!  I was very shocked and even more proud of him!  So he has now peed once and pooped once…just for the record :) 

So as you can see, we’ve been busy already in the New Year!


  1. So glad you got your new camera!! You'll figure it out in no time :)

  2. Love the house, and the new camera!!! And GO RYDER for # 2-ing on the potty :)

  3. Your new camera looks like it takes great pictures!!! So glad Ryder is feeling all better and thats so exciting that he went #2 on the potty! Way to go buddy:)

    ps. I love that train table!!! you have to let me know where you got it :)

  4. Still getting gifts after Christmas, what a lucky boy he is =)
